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Crawling Toddler


We use a blend of both the 2021 Early Years Foundation Stage and Birth To 5 Matters guidance documents to inform how we plan, teach and support your children. By using both, we ensure that children are ready for the primary school curriculum whilst adding in as much creativity and imagination as possible.

How we plan activities

When we say in our Little Acorns Vision that Engagement is one of our 5 goals, we mean it. We believe that learning sticks best when it's relevant to the children. The activities that we plan as teachers are all based on the interests and curiosities of our little ones, making sure it's memorable and awe-inspiring. Above all, you should know that learning at Little Acorns is always delivered through play. After all, it's how children at this age learn best!

We have a three-step process for our weekly planning:

  1. Ask the children what they'd like to learn. Are there any interests that the children have that we've noticed? How can we get them excited about what they'll be learning?

  2. Ask our parents what new interests their little ones currently have. What have they been more interested in at home? Are they mastering any skills?

  3. As a team, plan learning opportunities to help guide our activities and challenges. What is it we want the children to learn and how can we make it fun?

Early phonics and number

We gently introduce letters and sounds to our children as they progress with us using the Read, Write, Inc. phonics scheme. Number is introduced through play wherever possible and to older children in circle times and guided play activities. 

Throughout the year we will offer sessions for families who want to learn how to best continue this support at home.
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